Mobile Marksman

Personal Firearms Instruction

NRA Reloading Courses

NRA Reloading Courses

The NRA has two excellent classes for reloading - Metallic Cartridge Reloading and Shotshell Reloading.  Both courses are thorough, detailed, very  comprehensive and interactive.  They promote safe practices which will serve you well.

Reloading is a hobby that can bring lots of personal satisfaction and enjoyment - It can also save you money!  You can tailor accurate and powerful loads for specific firearms or load economy target rounds for practice.

The process of loading metallic cartridges and shotgun shells are unique and are very specific - Thus two separate classes.  If you shoot a bit - These classes pay for themselves over time.

Russ primarily uses his own reloaded ammunition for fun, hunting, defense and high power target competition.  Commercially loaded ammunition is used for firing in all Mobile Marksman courses.

NRA Basic Shotgun Shell Reloading Course- 6 hours
In this course you will learn to reload your own shotgun shells.  This class is hands-on and you will actually load high quality shells in the class.  $300.00*

NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading Course- 8 hours
We will cover all aspects of metallic cartridge reloading.  We will be discussing powder, projectiles - All components used.  You will actually load high quality shells in this class.            $350.00*

Note: Reloading metallic cartridges and shotshells requires focus, attention, precision and care - If these are not present the results of your actions can be disastrous or possibly fatal to yourself and others if you deviate from published loading data and established procedures.  Mobile Marksman is not responsible for your actions - You are.These courses teach established and safe techniques as guidelines for your use. 

There are pages of published reloading data for almost any combination of powder and componants - Be safe, stick to the reloading manual's recommendations, wear eye protection and don't push

NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Course - Robert is seating the primer

Now he is weighing the powder.

Measuring the overall length with micrometer.

Seating the bullet.

Checking the completed cartridge for quality.

Success! Robert loads a perfect 7.65 x 54 Argentine Mauser round as part of the Basic Course - He also loaded .45 ACP pistol rounds too.  A very good student, Robert can now reload his own ammunition.  Great job!

* Group rate pricing - Individual lesson fees $475.00 for Shotgun Shell Reloading
$575.00 for Metallic Cartridge Reloading. 

Once you've taken the course you can set up your own reloading bench.  Below is an image of Russ' reloading bench custom made to fit his individual needs.

There is room for all his components, tools, manuals and other items.  Bench was made by local craftsman from plans.  The bench works great!

If you'd like a bench like this contact

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