Mobile Marksman

Personal Firearms Instruction

Mobile Marksman Orientations

Mobile Marksman Courses, Orientations & Rates

Russ' Hourly Instruction Rate: $100.00 per hour per student, plus travel, ammo and range fees if necessary.  You will have my full professional attention and focus.  Work on developing your skills, vanquish an annoying problem, talk about guns, sighting-in, reloading, "Range Buddy", etc...2 hour minimum.   We can discuss your specific needs and come up with an estimated session cost ahead of time. 

The most common training that we teach is Pistol/Revolver Orientation - I this course we spend approximately 2-3 hours in the classroom working on firearms safety, safe storage, operation, parts & pieces, cleaning, ammo and firing techniques.  Then we take a break for lunch/coffee and meet at the range to shoot for approximately one hour.  This is an individual or small group course that is custom built for you and your specific needs.  Included in this course fee is use of training guns, .22 LR ammo, targets, eye and ear protection.
Class fee for one student is: $325.00 (additional students $215.00) Student pays for all large caliber ammo consumed (.38 Special, 9mm, .40, .44, .45ACP typically).  You can provide your own firearm and ammo for this orientation.

Refresher courses focus on refamiliarization with firearm operation, firing for function and marksmanship skills.  Russ can also sight-in your scoped-rifle pre-hunting season as part of the session. Typically this requires 2 hours, bring 40 rounds of ammo (usually only need 10-15 rounds for this but be prepared in case your firearm/scope are not cooperating...).

BB Gun Air Rifle - 2 hours

*Range fees and ammo not included - Ammo can be provided for additional fee with advance notice.

* Military Surplus firearms must be in safe, shootable condition.  Mobile Marksman has the right to cancel lesson if firearm/ammo are unsafe.

* Bring owners manual to orientation with your new firearm.

Above: Ken sights-in his new Weatherby Vanguard 7mm-08 - A very nice and accurate rifle.  He shot it very well indeed.

Above: Jack and Russ discuss sight picture while Jack reloads a 9mm magazine.

Above: Jack firing Glock pistol in full recoil.  Involved in international "Economic-Development" Jack was always one step removed from trouble once it sprang-up. 

Above: Patricia blasted this paper plate.  She was a great student and a quick learner.  She was also very safe at the range.

Above: Steve sights-in AR off the bench at 100 yards.

Above: Family day at the range on a rainy day.  Ted and Mitch work with the M1 Garand Rifle and K98 Mauser.

Denise hones her shooting skills - Quite an accurate shooter she "finds her Mojo", and now owns her Mojo.  She can direct her projectiles exactly where she wants them to go.

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